It is NOT Just Theory…It is Practical!

The Safety Leadership Process is firmly based in complexity science, where organizations are seen as behaving more like living systems than machines.

Safety Leadership ProcessBut, the machine view of organizations is the dominant paradigm right now. We direct the people to work in tight procedures. We manipulate them to do things right. We punish them when there is an injury or incidents. We look for root-cause. We think that if we can take things apart and understand the parts that we can understand the whole. Almost all the effort is engaged in doing things TO the people as if they were just interchangeable parts of a machine. Most people push back against authority in this paradigm. This is a win/lose environment.

When we see organizations as if they are living systems, we focus on the whole system where all the parts are interconnected and interacting all the time. Change is embraced. Information needs to be freely flowing so that all the parts are working in harmony. Trust needs to be built so that people can depend on each other and work more effectively together. Each person helps the others do their work more effectively. People from all levels PARTNER together for the good of the whole – rising above their own selfish needs and goals. This is a win for safety, a win for the business, a win for the people.

Dr. Sydney Dekker, an Australian safety expert and leader, spoke at the ASSE Safety 2014 Conference. He is a leading thinker in trying to bring the complexity science paradigm into the field of safety. In his talk, he emphasized that while great improvements in reducing injuries and incidents has been achieved over the last 50 years, the injury rate improvements are getting smaller. By shifting our thinking to the complexity paradigm, we can achieve excellence.

This is what I was advocating in my talk I described above. The Safety Leadership Process puts the complexity paradigm into the organization. This is what I used as a plant manager and now as a Safety Consultant with excellent results. The Safety Leadership Process is a robust, proven, easily understood, low investment process that leads to sustainable levels of safety excellence.

A core part of the Safety Leadership Process requires everyone to get clear on their assumptions, values and priorities. I have often found that various members of management are not clear and aligned, which results in mixed messages and inconsistent results.

A powerful complexity tool called The Process Enneagram© is used to bring the people together to struggle with the hard questions like “Is safety #1?” or “How do we get everyone engaged in helping to improve our safety performance and sustain it?” Here is a link to sign up and receive free access to a recent webinar I held to describe this tool and its use.

I speak, conduct workshops and coach people in organizations on how to significantly improve their safety performance. This flyer provides a lot of information regarding my offering. Please call me (716-622-6467), if you wish, to explore what is possible.

The Drag of Disengaged People

In a recent email post, someone mentioned that the cost to businesses of disengaged employees is about $350 billion per year.

In another post, it was estimated that about 20% of the employees are actively disengaged; they aren’t just standing around but rather doing things like horseplay, game-playing-sabotage, and even bullying to drag the performance of the organization down. This is not only a huge loss to the business, but also a huge personal loss to these people who are so negative.

These people cause big problems by blocking the channels of communications that are so critical.

how to improve workplace safetyPeople are often reluctant to speak up in these negative environments. Ideas for improvement never surface. New employees are negatively influenced and led astray. Supervisors have a very rough time getting the people to do their work properly. Grievance rates are high and much time is wasted needlessly because these are not addressed at an early stage.

In many organizations, new employees are given a safety orientation and then go to work. The organization depends on the more senior people providing some guidance to these new people. Where there is active disengagement, this follow-up guidance is often not done so the new people try their best, but are often hurt. During the summer months this is especially serious because summer and other temporary employees are hired. These people need a lot of help, but where there is active disengagement, little help is offered and drift from business focus occurs.

When the flow of communications is blocked, the organization can easily drift into disaster. Critical information gets lost. The managers who need the feedback about how the operations are running do not get the information they need. Flying blind is not good!

In your own organizations, if you see disengaged people, begin to talk with them, share important information and ask for their help. This may be hard at first, but over time, most of these people will become more engaged. One reason that people become disengaged is because they feel ignored and under-valued.

By talking together, listening for ideas, exploring for improvements from everyone, a lot of disengaged people will begin to get involved. This is not just a one-time activity. Talking, listening, exploring together are ongoing parts of the work that pay big dividends. As leaders in your organization, you can open things up for the better.


Partner-Centered Safety

Sustainable levels of safety excellence are achieved only when everyone is pulling together to make their work as safe and productive as possible.

creating a safety culturePartner-Centered Safety is a robust, proven way to bring people together to achieve sustainable levels of safety excellence being based on deeply held beliefs and values.

  • People want to be treated as people.
  • Most people have good minds and think.
  • People want to know what is going on.
  • People want to be successful and want to work safely.
  • People love their kids and want to go home safely, everyday.
  • People come together as partners to co-create their shared future in a structured, focused, intense, disciplined dialogue using the Process Enneagram©.
  • People are self-organizing all the time openly and freely sharing information, building relationships of trust and interdependence through their agreements about how they are willing to work together and creating meaning.
  • All the people at all the levels in the organization are in this together contributing from their unique roles and perspectives.
  • People want to be heard, listened to, valued and respected.

A second element of Partner-Centered Safety relates to the environment in which everyone works that is complex in the sense that ideas, conditions, people, outside influences, etc. are interacting and changing all the time. Every decision is made in these complex situations yet no one has all the information, sees everything and has their mind totally focused on the specific task at hand. To over come these everyone needs help and support so that the best decisions are made in the moment of taking action.

A third element of Partner-Centered Safety is “The Bowl”. In co-creating their shared future and operating out of these shared beliefs and values a container is created consisting of their mission, vision, principles of behavior, standards of performance and expectations. This container is called “The Bowl”. The Bowl provides order for the organization, holding it together and within the Bowl the people have the freedom to make the best decisions possible. A major responsibility of the leaders and managers is to help everyone understand and maintain the Bowl through continuous conversations and interactions. If someone becomes a problem in not working this way or in violating the Bowl, management must address and deal with it. All the people have a responsibility to work within the Bowl holding each other accountable to live up to their shared agreements.

See our website for successful examples of the effectiveness of Partner-Centered Safety.

Teaching Point: Talking together, with each other

In order to build a culture of safety excellence, information needs to be widely shared in a way that it is credible, clear and understood. Talking together is so important.

Treating people with respect, showing them that we care about them and their safety, listening to them as they share their hopes, concerns and ideas, is vital to building a culture of safety excellence.

creating a safety cultureAs managers go into their workplaces, walking around watching, listening and sharing with true authenticity and interest, trust and interdependence build. People learn to open up, to share, to point out possible areas for improvement, and to realize that they are a critical part of the whole safety effort. A huge, positive shift in the safety culture occurs. The people close to the actual, physical work are often in the best position to see potential hazards that are not visible to the managers. The managers often need to push to meet production schedules so it is easy for them to miss these potential hazards. Therefore, having the active help of those closest to the work is an important piece of the total safety effort. This is one way we avoid disasters like the Deepwater Horizon explosion and fire.

Yet, many managers find that talking like this with the people in the organization is difficult. In the early days of my career, I also was reluctant to go into the workplace and talk with the people. This is a participative process and sometimes you can get tripped up. I found that I needed to get very clear about the safety messages and their importance so that I was able to be coherent and credible as I engaged with every one. Once I had the ideas about safety clear and cogent, I could easily talk with people. I learned that I did not have to have the answers to every question that was asked. When I didn’t know the answer, I’d say I did not know and would get back to them as quickly as I could. This actually made the encounters more effective since the people could see that I was listening and learning as well. People want to get to know their managers and see that they are truly interested in them and their safety.

So, I strongly suggest that the managers get clear and coherent on their safety messages, get out of their offices and into their workplaces, talking together, listening and learning so problems can be avoided and potential improvements identified. Then get going with the people to solve the problems and make the improvements. This takes time and effort, but over the long run, time is saved and leading gets easier as we avoid the dreadful mistakes and injuries.

This way of communicating with the people is highly effective and a key part of The Complexity Leadership Process. While much of my focus is related to workplace safety, this Complexity Leadership Process can apply to all aspects of organizational life since organizations are complex evolving systems.

Safety is very complex with all the interactions of people, technology and varying conditions; this tool enables the people to have the necessary conversations for them to come together in partnership and achieve excellence.

The fundamental basis for the Complexity Leadership Process we use in moving from compliance in safety performance to excellence is a powerful tool called the Process Enneagram©.

Characteristics of The Safest Organizations

The safest organizations are the ones that behave as if they are Living Systems.

creating a safety culture in the workplaceMost of us working in safety have been brought up to see organizations as if they are machine-like. This thinking goes all the way back to Descartes (1596-1650) and Newton (1642-1727). We use reductionist approaches to try to understand them. We seek cause/effect relationships. We use linear processes for training and the like, prescribing answers and doing things TO the people. We work on this part or that part trying to fix the whole thing.

It is a bit like a doctor who works on the stomach while another doctor works on the heart as if they are not connected in some way to the whole body, and have an impact on each other.

In this reductionist arena, we put a lot of effort and time into trying to reduce injury and illness rates to levels of excellence (<0.5) and sustain these levels. This is very hard, difficult and expensive.

Yet, over the last 50 or so years, scientists have been able (by using high-speed computers) to see the world and its patterns in wonderful new ways. We can see the whole of the organization – the connections of the various parts and the non-linear ways that they interact. We discover feedback loops and self-organization.

We are able to see the whole organization as if it is a living system.
All the people are vital parts to the success of the whole. We are able to share information freely, to learn together. Trust and interdependence build and the future can be co-created.

This is not just airy-fairy stuff! When I have used this approach to working with organizations to improve their safety and business performance, extraordinary results are achieved.

This is Operation Transformation for you and your organization, for Leaders and your people.

You each can begin to take steps in this direction by going into your organization, listening and talking with the people.

Find out what they think about the work they are doing and if they have some ideas about doing it in a better way. Help them to think through these ideas and, if they are good ideas, help them to bring them into reality. This simple process will begin to open things up to a better, safer, more productive future.

The Safety Leadership Process©

The Four Simple Steps to Safety Excellence

    how to improve workplace safety

  1. Get clear, focused, and determined.
    Co-create the Safety Strategic Plan© using the Process Enneagram©. Keep it posted, talked about, and used.
  2. Build trust and interdependence.
    Develop the shared, co-created Principles and Standards of behavior that are needed to achieve safety excellence. Live by them in doing the work on the Issues that need to be addressed to improve safety performance. Hold each other accountable. Let everyone know you deeply care about safety and everyone going home healthy and in one piece. Make this work open and visible for everyone to see and to model in his or her own work. Trust and interdependence emerge as people learn to work together this way.
  3. Talk with everyone, share information openly, and listen to each other.

    Walk around, talking and listening, every day. As people get to know you better and see you being honest and keeping your word, trying to improve yourself and admitting to mistakes when they are made, trust builds.

    (Since over 95% of all injuries and incidents are the result of the actions of people, go look at what people are doing. Do Safe Acts Auditing to see and keep track of how people are working. Show the people you really care about improving safety.

    These audits give a quick indication of what is happening in the safety culture, providing clues to changes; a drop in the Safe Acts Index (SAI) indicates a potential injury is about to happen. The patterns of behaviors that are seen indicate areas of strength and areas of weakness that need to be addressed. Perhaps there are bad habits or more training is needed, or there is a confusing mixed message or a deeper systems problem needs to be straightened out. When people see and become aware of what is happening, focused attention can be applied.)

  4. Quickly take the appropriate actions on new information that is created to correct the problems that the patterns of unsafe behaviors observed indicate. Remember that the information developed in these Audits is for learning about how to improve the safety performance. If this Safe Acts Auditing tool is used for punishment, the integrity and value of this process is lost.
    Evolve steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 all at the same time as the Safety Leadership Process™ develops. They are all interconnected and interacting all the time. Do them over and over again.

    • It takes the courage to hold each other accountable, to have the difficult conversations, to make decisions, and to act.
    • It requires the care to do every thing as well as you can.
    • It requires the concern for the impacts for all the changes on all the stakeholders.
    • It requires the commitment to stay the course in both the good and difficult times, day after day, month after month, year after year!
    • This is the essence of safety leadership.

Most companies and the people in them want to have a safe place in which to work. Cynics who exist, must be stuck in really poor companies, at the low end of the distribution curve. Life for them must be dark and gloomy. Come into the light with The Safety Leadership Process©.

Safety Leadership Workforce Challenges

Edwin G. Foulke, Jr., Partner in Fisher & Phillips and former Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health, spoke at the American Society of Safety Engineers, Region 4 Professional Development Conference about the changing nature of our workforce.

Existing employees are getting older and many will be retiring before too long.

workplace safety workforceLots of critical knowledge, experience and skills will be lost. Younger people, who have grown up in an electronic world of texting and games, will replace these people. Many are out of shape and bordering on being over weight; some are developing diabetes. This will pose significant challenges to employers and the need to work safely and well.

These changes will pose even more challenges than those of the very high growth rates mentioned by Amir Farid in his Keynote address at the AIChE Conference mentioned above.

Seeing Safety as a Complex Adaptive System

This means we’ll have to learn to work together in new, safer ways.

This shift in our safety culture and the way we work is the core of our work and the subject of our Newsletters, Blogposts and Safety Flashes. When we make this shift, everything changes. The patterns and processes become clearer and our work with the people becomes much easier, resistance to change almost disappears, and new things can be implemented quickly and effectively.

What steps has your organization put in place to adapt to an aging workforce?

The Case for making Safety a Priority in Business

In my interactions with companies I often hear the people saying things like:

“If only my management really supported safety we would really get a lot better. If they say safety is number 1, then why don’t they behave that way?”

The people at the top probably know that they can have big losses, lawsuits and bad publicity if there is a serious injury, toxic chemical release or explosion. They may even wake up at night thinking about these things.

Yet safety is not their core business. They have revenue and earnings goals looming over them. Quality and production problems may be pressing them. In this environment safety is a pain in the neck, intruding at the wrong times. It is seen as more costs.

I think that we may have the safety messages backward. Rather than feeling under-valued and not supported by management around safety, let’s turn the picture around so that excellence in safety performance is the path to total business excellence performance and enhanced profits.

Everyone can play an important part in this. We achieve safety excellence by shifting the culture. We share all information, build trust and interdependence and help everyone see how they are important to the success of the entire business. We engage each other, listen for all the ideas, help people to solve the problems and challenges that come up. We ask for help because none of us can do this alone.

As the culture shifts, injury and incident rates drop thus saving a lot of money directly, people feel more valued and interested in the total business. As the credibility around safety is built, people begin to see other things that can be improved to help the business and they do them.

As we shifted the safety culture at the DuPont Belle, WV plant where I was the plant manager in the 1980s and 1990s the injury rates dropped by about 97% and earnings went up about 300%. People felt a lot better about things and focused at really making improvements. Not only did we save money with fewer injuries and incidents, people went after things like lowering the demurrage rates (the rent we pay owners of tank trucks after their deliveries were made and the trucks were left on the plant) by 75% in just a few months. We also learned how to change our process control systems from pneumatic systems to electronic systems without running parallel—thus cutting the time and costs for the conversions by about 50%. We did this 16 times without failure.

As the culture shifted towards excellence everything else shifted towards excellence. When we turn the story around from safety being a pain in the neck to becoming the leading edge for shifting the total organization to high performance and excellence, then safety becomes a focal point for the organizational change efforts.

About 80% of the large-scale organizational change efforts fail to produce the desired results and are not sustained. Rather than beginning with a large-scale change effort, we can begin with a smaller effort, focused at safety and then spread the effort as we learn how to do it and gain everyone’s support. Success is much more likely and it is sustainable. At Belle the culture shifted! One measure of that was the injury rates dropped to world-class levels and were sustained for 16 years. Everything else we measured also showed significant improvement.

Let’s shift the safety message from being a pain in the neck to becoming the leading wave for total organizational excellence!

Safety Excellence for Business

The Goal is Zero sets us up for failure.

None of us wants to have anyone get hurt in our organization. We are trying hard in various ways to keep people from getting hurt. Sometimes organizations can achieve very long periods of injury-free performance. One large plant I know of went 24 years without a lost workday case (LWC), and another one went for about 10 years. These sorts of strings of injury-free days are commendable. This can tempt us into believing that if we just work hard enough that we can achieve workplaces where there are no injuries.

We do indeed have to work hard, but I don’t think that we can ever achieve injury performance forever.  The things that people do or don’t do relating to safety are the cause of over 95% of all injuries. None of us is perfect. Our minds wander. We get into a hurry. We forget something. We get distracted. We are upset by a problem at home or at work. We develop bad habits.

I expect that all of us do something unsafely every day and don’t get hurt. But one day the conditions will be just right for things to come together in a new, different and unexpected way. Then we suffer the consequences.

When management sets the “Goal is Zero” we set ourselves up for failure. There is very strong pressure in most organizations for people to report what management wants to hear. If the “Goal is Zero” then the pressure builds to look for ways to avoid having to report an injury or near miss and the cover-ups begin. People will tend to just report things that are too big to hide. A major source of our safety information disappears. When we don’t report the small things then we can’t learn from them. Problems persist, bad situations are not addressed, and reporting can get a person on the wrong side of their management. Sometimes management creates a reporting system that is so difficult and exposes the person making the report to criticism, that the people just avoid reporting. Trust among the people in the organization is impossible to establish. When trust disappears, learning stops!

In order for trust to be built information needs to be openly available to everyone. The environment needs to be secure enough that we can talk and learn together. We need to help each other becoming our brothers and sisters keepers. Listening and respecting each other is critical.

When management creates a culture of openness, trust and interdependence, and an environment where everyone can see the big picture long periods of injury-free performance can be achieved.

John, a wise friend, told me once  “When the safety gets right, everything gets right!”

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