Reducing Workplace Violence and Building a Better Place

All of us, together, make a difference in the safety and the lives of our co-workers.

When Claire Knowles, Robin Nagele, and I ( are asked to come into an organization to help them reduce the risks of workplace violence and develop an active shooter protection plan, we have a good selection of options for them to consider, ranging from a comprehensive training and development plan to a bare-bones introduction. We see workplace violence ranging from a simple lack of respect to harassment to bullying to fighting and even murder, and our offering covers the range. Workplace violence can happen from the inside (bullying, harassment incivilities) and from the outside (perpetrator entering the workplace with intent to do harm). It covers Psychological Safety and Physical Safety.

we need to all work together for workplace safety

However, many people see this whole subject from a wide range of perspectives. It is very unlikely that an active shooter situation will develop here so why bother? Well, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2019, 761 people were murdered at work. Homicides were 454 and suicides were 307. This is the fourth highest cause of workplace fatalities. Could that happen here? It is a myth if you think it can’t happen in your workplace.

Harassment and bullying are HR problems and not often considered safety problems–but they are because they impact psychological safety. They can lead to people making mistakes and getting hurt. Lack of respect, harassment and bullying are just little issues (unless you are the target) so why spend the money? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2019, in addition to the 307 suicides, there were 313 drug overdoses at work. What was the impact of harassment and bullying on these people? Their psychological safety is hugely impacted. There are all sorts of ways to try to talk your way out of these sorts of issues. But there is a big impact on both the people and the businesses’ profits.

In the unlikely event of an active shooter situation, people can be killed and injured, the business will be shut down as a crime scene, the bad publicity runs rampant, and the regulators and lawyers will be all over the place. Your relationships with your people and customers will be a shambles. This results in huge losses.

When the business leaders tolerate lack of respect, harassment and bullying, the workplace is not psychologically safe, and people stop talking together and sharing information. This costs a lot of money in grievances and HR meetings, etc. It also costs a lot in missing the possibility of new business opportunities that are discovered as people talk together about how the business is doing and find new ideas for new opportunities emerging from their conversations.

We can all come together and address the elimination
of all forms of workplace violence.
Let’s pull together and make it happen for the good of us all.

Building a Better Place – We can do this Together!

There is so much bad news of workplace shootings, conflict of all sorts in our cities and streets, police and other citizens being killed and the endless arguments in our governments at all levels that it is tempting to just try to shut everything off and pretend nothing is happening. It feels as if we are in chaos with no good answers to be found.

But there are many good people in our cities and states, in volunteer organizations, in our governments and businesses. We need to rise above all this noise and strife. I believe that most people want to live good, safe lives, to raise their families, to seek life, liberty, and happiness. We want this in our private lives, in our homes, towns and cities as well as in our places of work where we spend so much time.

We can each make a positive difference in our homes, neighborhoods and at work. We can look for the good we each have to offer and make connections. We can have conversations together about how we are doing. We can talk about the little things that matter and connect us. We can show caring for each other and kindness. We can value our differences without trying to force them onto someone else. We can do this at work where we spend so much time together. We can find our common purpose and build on that.

As all of you readers know I have a great concern about leadership and workplace safety. When we build a more harmonious workplace the levels of anger and frustration drop. We can treat each other as real people and not some object to push around. We can build a better workplace with co-created principles and standards of behavior.

I know we can do these things because we did this at the plants where I was the manager and in the businesses in which I consult. When we co-create our principles and standards, working together with respect and listening, sharing information freely, helping people to see that their work is important, the levels of anger and frustration drop. I have seen this many times over. When this happens, more and more of the time we are focused at doing things right and the total performance of the organization improves. We can learn and grow together so our levels of knowledge and understanding go up. Fewer injuries and incidents occur. Total quality of our life and the products we make get a lot better. I have seen this happen over and over. We can do these things if we want to do them.

Our leaders play a big role in this by setting the standards and modeling the positive behaviors that are so important. We all watch our leaders and those with integrity and a caring heart are those we most admire. Their behaviors and the words they use set the way for us all.

However, we all have a role to play. We can all be winners as we pull ourselves up. Sometimes, it is not easy, but we can all do this with courage, caring, concern for each other and commitment to the dream of a better world.

If you do not do this, then who is going to do it? It rests on each of us.

make a difference in the safety and the lives of your co-workers

The Need for Partnering Grows

Our society is fracturing into so many disconnected and angry parts. At every level of society and even in our workplaces, we see this happening every day.

businesses, schools and hospitals, governments, are fractured and coming apartOur businesses, our schools and hospitals, our governments, and not-for-profits, at all levels, are fractured and coming apart. Change is coming faster and faster. So many people seem to be trying to cope by pulling into their shells and trying to push the turmoil all away. The trust levels among all the various groups is very low. So many loud voices are pushing their version of the “truth” that it is almost impossible to tell who is being honest and should be listened to. How do we find the truth?

The connection to physical and psychological safety…

When problems like these come into our workplaces, people do not feel psychologically or physically safe. The distractions pull people away from focusing on their work. This can lead to injuries and incidents, as well as to lower productivity. This is expensive both in terms of the impact on the people and the business. Working in a place like this, where the pressure for production is intense, can feel like we are living in a pressure cooker.

When connections breakdown…

Mary Eberstadt, in her 2019 book, Primal Screams, suggests that people are basically social animals and that our connections are broken. A lot of our problems in society are the result of people having lost their sense of identity. Changes in how families function, or not, changes in where people live and work and move away from their roots, changes in the way the internet seems to be dividing us and making people feel scattered and lonelier, changes in the role of churches and other centers of moral guidance like more fathers in our homes, and the political strife blocking our ability to talk about the real issues are some of the concerns she raises.

We’re not helpless – we can make some important choices…

We do not have to be helpless victims. We can make choices about how we agree to work together. We can choose to…

  • be respectful of one another,
  • be aware of people who are bullying or harassing others and speak up about this,
  • listen to each other,
  • learn from each other,
  • look out for each other and be our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers,
  • learn from our successes and our mistakes,
  • give each other the benefit of the doubt and not jump to judgement,
  • talk together about how to improve our jobs,
  • talk about our differences and figure a way through them,
  • create a safe space where it is okay for people to ask questions and provide feedback, and
  • help each other to be successful.

There are many things we can do in our workplaces to build a sense of community that is safe and productive.

What if…?

true character is revealed in the choices a human being makes under pressureIn thinking about your own place of work, what do you suppose it would be like if people did some of the things mentioned earlier in this newsletter? Do you think that you could begin talking with others about building a more respectful environment? What do you think it would be like if you could openly talk together about the important issues like improving the safety of your job? What would it be like if the managers and supervisors talked frequently about with everyone about how the business was doing the challenges from the competition? What would it be like if you knew that someone was looking out for your back? What would it be like if you felt you were in an environment of trust? What would it be like if people really asked important questions and talked about them? What would it be like if people in upper management asked you for your honest opinion and really listened? That’s called breaking the iceberg and engaging in authentic conversations!


Each person can make a positive difference, if they decide to do it. It is a matter of will. If you do not step forward to make our workplaces safer and more productive, who will?

There must be people with whom you can partner and begin these focused conversations. These do not have to be big projects. Start slowly and spread it as it grows. Change happens one conversation at a time!

I would be glad to talk with any of you about building Partner-Centered Leadership with you. Please call me at 716-622-6467.

Partner-Centered Leadership – You don’t have to live like a pressure cooker!

There is a “workable pressure relief valve” already available to us to release these stress levels! It’s called Partner-centered Leadership.

The need for open, honest, disciplined, constructive dialog is critical. It is through these sorts of continuous conversations that people and organizations change. The positive energy for continuous improvement builds one conversation at a time over and over. Showing respect and caring for both the people’s mental and physical health, as well as for the success of the business, is critical. The business can’t succeed without the creativity and energy of the people and the people’s jobs can’t survive without excellent business performance.

Building a Civil, Respectful, Engaged, Safe, Profitable Place to Work

I think that most people want to work at a place that is like this. We spend a large part of our lives at work, so let’s make things really good.

together we can work together to have a safe workplaceThis is quite attainable with authentic, courageous leaders who take a stand that this is the sort of place they want to lead. The knowledge and technology are available and broadly known by lots of people so I want to share my own experiences.

Building a workplace like this results in the elimination of a lot of waste.

Some examples of the sources of waste are:

  • HR time spent investigating claims of harassment or bullying
  • High turnover
  • Low morale
  • Low engagement
  • Indifference by some people
  • Resistance to change
  • Graffiti and vandalism
  • Fighting
  • Sloppy workmanship
  • Many injuries and incidents
  • Poor housekeeping
  • Unnecessarily long times to get work done
  • Some OSHA investigations and law suits

In some organizations where there is a lot of bullying, harassment and worse, the level of waste could be as high as 20% of their payroll cost. This can all be avoided!!!

Here are the things I did that helped me a lot in tackling this problem when I was a plant manager:

  • I had to develop the focus within me that lack of respect and incivility were serious problems and I had to personally address them. If I was the problem, I had to work on that. I had to take a public stand on my beliefs that disrespect and incivility among us was unacceptable.
  • I then had to let everyone know that I would not tolerate anyone being treated with disrespect and incivility. I had to explain that:
    • none of us had a right to treat each other this way,
    • the open, free flow of information was vital for us to learn,
    • we needed to create a place where it was safe for people to talk together, share and learn,
    • it is very hard on the people impacting psychological safety,
    • it can lead to injuries and violence, and
    • it is very big, darn waste that we can eliminate if we work together. All of us need to play a part.
  • Then I had to go into all the workplaces in the plant, respectfully yet firmly, talking with everyone. Sometimes these conversations were not easy as some people pushed back and challenged me.
  • I did this day after day for months; trust and interdependence grew; slowly things changed. Everyone could see what I was doing and they knew that they could correct me if I made mistakes. Improvements in all dimensions of our work began to show up. Morale grew. There were fewer injuries and incidents. Turnover and absenteeism dropped. The environmental performance improved along with better customer service. Housekeeping improved. More work was getting done on schedule and costs were lower.

organizational leader's should look to the futureThis all began with my determination to work on improving respect, civility and safety. As I built credibility and trust with everyone, people began to make improvements in many other areas. Everything got better.

I need to emphasize that respect in the workplace is so very important. Lack of respect degrades everything. Lack of respect leads to harassment, bullying, sabotage, fighting, and even murder. The leaders set the tone and the standards. Bullying is a problem in over half of our workplaces and about half the bullying is from managers. This is just unacceptable. Not only does it demean the people, it causes safety problems and wrecks involvement and productivity.

Some managers have told me that they do not have the time for working this way. For me, working this way led to far better results than anything that I had learned in all the management courses I had been sent to over the years. As we at the plant came together, working with respect and civility, the level of engagement went way up. This led to more and more improvement. Injury rates dropped 98%, productivity rose 45% and earnings rose 300%. I found this to be a much more satisfying way to work.

  • It was easier for me.
  • It was fun to see the people grow.
  • The results were terrific!

Shifting to this way of working is quite do-able. It takes courage, concern, care, and commitment. Do you have the will? It is worth the effort!

I would be happy to talk with anyone about working this way and share experiences. Call me at 716-622-6467.

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